Getting Your Child Potty Trained Before Things Get Messy!

Many parents begin to potty train their children at ages two and a half and some at three years old. Pay attention to signs that your child is ready to start like following simple instructions, walking and sitting down on their own and being able to take off their pants and put them back on. Invest in a child size potty-chair and seat adapter when your child is ready to potty train.

When you are ready to start training your child, let them go through their normal routine and eat, drink and play as they normally would. However, start by putting them on the potty every 15 minutes. At the end of the day put their diaper back on. Do this for about 3 days. Then try an all day session (but note: if you leave the house, have a spare potty you can use in the car or in a public restroom or plan on staying at home all day).  Start to cut back and limit liquid intake at night when you remove the diaper and do all day sessions. If you know your child goes in the middle of the night, be prepared for this by lining their bed and expecting to be woken up.

Try letting your child go around the house in the buff, that way they get used to not wearing anything they could go potty on. Make a happy big flushing sound like, “Whoosh!”  when your child goes to the potty and reward them for doing so successfully. Read your child potty theme books and let them watch and learn. You can also get 12 tips from a dad for more quick wins.

When accidents happen don’t make a big deal of it; just make a bigger deal when they do it right and sing their praises. Let your child’s teacher know that you are actively potty training at home and bring reward treats for them to give your child. Explaining the process and allowing your child to undress on their own and ask to use the bathroom when they start to feel uncomfortable will help them achieve success with no mess.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. Please consult your child’s healthcare provider directly for medical advice, diagnoses, and treatments. If you have specific questions or concerns about the health or development of your child, consult your child’s physician.


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Johnelle is a freelance writer and editor. She enjoys all things good for the soul: fitness, painting, traveling, taking photographs of her dog, yoga, dancing, and singing in her Southern California band.

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